Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Sleep less = weigh more

We all want to sleep at night, but then there come a little thing in the way, internet. So we refuse to sleep and from this article you will learn how "sleep in under appreciated. "Scientist have long known that getting little sleep at night can increase a person risk of being overweight. But a new studies sugest that losing a few hours of sleep over just one week- as students cramming for exams often do- can lead to almost immediate weight gain. Research at the University of Colorado monitored 16 men and women who slept nine hours a night for one week and five hours a night the other week. When they had 5 hours of sleep the subjects burned an extra 111 calories a day. But they also ate more carb- and fat heavy snacks that left them two pounds heavier. They shed the weight after getting some zzzzzzz.
Remember that teens need about nine hours of sleep per night and adults need 8, according to the National Sleep Foundation.

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