Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Did Picasso buy His paint at Home Depot?

    20-century painter Pablo Picasso is considered one of the most REVOLUTIONARY artist of all time! Now new technology is revealing just how much of a leader he was. X-rays have confirmed that many of Picasso's works were created using basic house paint. Which was something art historians suspected but couldn't prove until now. Because house paint was so inexpensive and dried faster than traditional oil paint, it helped HIM CREATE MORE THAN 10,000 WORKS IN HIS LIFETIME. It also had a unique glossy sheen, which gave Picasso's work look new. Knowing which his painting were created with house paint helps conservationist because the material must be perserved differently than oil paint. It also gives historians greater insight into Picasso's work. "Now they can look at which artist were influenced by Picasso in use of this materail," says one expert.

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Picasso used ordinary house paint to create "The Red Armchair"(1931)

The Pinocchio Effect

                         Pinocchio was a fictional character whose nose grew when he lied. BUT a new study suggest that your nose really does change when you fib. Graduate students at the University of Granada in Spain discoverd that subjects who were telling lies expierenced a jump in temperature near the nose  and in a muscle in the inner corner of the eye. They also noticed a drop in facial temperature in people performing mental tasks. This was the FIRST to combine thermography which is a technique for measuring and recording body heat that was developed in the U.S during World War 11- with the feild of psycology. In the future the researchers say that the study may help serve as the basis for a cheap and noninvasive test to ferret out fabricators and cheaters.

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Pinocchio nose grows